Rough Around the Hedges

A podcast about houseplants for houseplant people, by houseplant people

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EP84-Breaking Up With Plants


Some plants just aren’t worth the struggle. In this episode, we’re talking about the species we’ve officially sworn off—whether they’re too fussy, too pest-prone, or just not a good fit for our growing conditions.

Some plants just aren’t worth the struggle. In this episode, we’re talking about the species we’ve officially sworn off—whether they’re too fussy, too pest-prone, or just not a good fit for our growing conditions. From humidity divas to rapid spreaders that take over your space, we’ll share the plants we’ve had to part ways with and why we won’t be going back. Plus, we’ll chat about how to make peace with plant breakups and find better matches for your collection. Because not every plant deserves a second chance!

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 53 MB - Duration: 36:21m (192 kbps 44100 Hz)

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